For me personally, most electronic gadgets are tools, not toys. My cell phone, for example, is my communication device and has my calendar, contacts, password vault, and data storage amounting to thousands of documents. It provides the capability to access many more thousands of documents via various cloud services. It provides the ability to photographically document business interests such as quality issues. I often refer to it as my electronic filing cabinet. And some businesses have a security requirement that employees have their cell phone in-hand in order to sign into their work accounts. Losing or forgetting this tool is an unacceptable risk, to say nothing of the cost of the device. Therefore, a warning device to prevent the loss of one's cell phone or simply leaving it behind makes sense.
But there is always a “however.” A warning device must also be a practical tool in my world. It needs to be simple, reliable, and a set-and-forget device. I do not want to be constantly fiddling with settings nor responding to “false alerts.” In other words, it needs to be part of my solution, not add to my problems.
So, enter Prox Devices’ Prox PRD®, a simple one-button device with two (2) flexible set-up options according to people’s needs, “Home“ and “Travel” modes. I prefer to stay in a single mode, the “Travel” mode, and, after initial set-up, only adjust the range/sensitivity as required. The lion’s share of the time, my PRD is set to a longer distance that's more appropriate for a “left behind” alert in my driveway environment, range setting 5 (indicated by 5 beeps) for example, and no alerts in the house. Other people may prefer operating in “Home” mode when at home and switching to “Travel” for other situations, all while adjusting the range as appropriate for them. In my case, when I am actually traveling, I want an alert setting set for minimum separation, phone to the PRD (range setting 1, which is represented by 1 beep), but still in the “Travel” mode. That’s it. I do not want anything else.
The Prox Devices® PRD does the job with zero false alerts. I appreciate the tone the PRD makes when moved after a long period of inactivity. I know, without checking, that the PRD is functional and connected to the cell phone. Alternately, I can check connectivity with a single press of the button – quick and easy. No ambiguity. The PRD has become my buddy.
So, in conclusion, the Prox Devices PRD is a practical tool and meets the KISS principle — Keep It Simple, Stupid. It does the job while consuming very little to none of my time managing it.
The Prox PRD® Phone Reminder Device – Separation Alert
Phone Separation Alert | Phone Reminder | Phone Tether | Phone Finder | Phone Leash | Phone Tracker | Find My Phone
#PhoneSeparationAlert #PhoneReminder #PhoneTether #PhoneFinder #PhoneLeash #PhoneTracker #FindMyPhone
No subscription | No data collected or sold | CR2032: 1-year battery life (typical)
No password | No app | No registration | iPhone, Samsung, Google Pixel Compatible